16th febuary 2009
i hate my marks lor suck!!!!!!
hais bu8t after school we went with ced,shan and belle to jaack's place
we spent like 108 bucks
belle had to go draw money for us to pay lol
then me and ced sit in there waitin for her lol
then after they cm over
watch pcifier and belle blogged while we watched spongebob!
so cool rite belle?
14th febuary 2009
Happy late Valentines Day!!!!
actually it really like 4 days late yah anyway still can update wan mah!
haas belle, tian ,shan and me went to the zoo
it was so cute! all the animals even though i really dun like animals
then after we took taxi to kallang bolling there to bowl
haas it was super fun
then after my mom fetch me belle and tian to my house then we watch hairspray!!