EXAMS OVER!!!okay technically got dnt but who cares congrats everyone u survived exams!!!haas then tmrw going to excape with tian they allwill be super fun !!! and sat going to ice skatin with my ugly cousin(jkjk later she hear take chopper come!)anws today we went to eat at subway about 14 of us then we were like crowding everywherethen it was super funny with wei jie!!haas he kept making of amanda lor!then afer we went to this playground at andreas house it was super hot i was like sweating like mad and then min found this snail and she kept playing with it then wei jie said the thing at the end was the *ahem* guy's thing and they go take aanother snail and put them tyogether to mate!super gross lor then one of them the shel came out! eeeeeeeeeeeeWthen andreas and i play the red thing(see below) then he made me fly lor*so violent*then after me and wei jie play on one side then amanda on the other today wasa super fun but me and eben ket going up nnd down the escalator for the airon lolthen actually suppose to go swimming today but someone arh!!!!haas
wei jie and tian doing wat ah!!??

Labels: no offense to anyone hor... joking only
9:37 PM | Wednesday, October 8, 2008 | 0 Comment