yesterday was such a dissapointment
i mean it's okay that some ppl dun wan us to go
but u are our best friend leis
tell me what we do wrong
we overthink this meh??
make it so obvious that u dun wan us to go
wadeva lar say sry to me then do all this crap
hais thnx man for being such a good fren man !
startin i also sad that time also still remain ur fren then now i also nvr do anything
bitch lar!!!wadeva
anyway i'm over it ! if u this type of friend then forget it !!
anw thats the irritatin news but on to happier things........
now at belle's house
super funny lor
tian keep losing at all the card games kanna beat until hand red lor
then i nvr get beat except once by belle(dun listen to both of them,they lying)
haas then we ate the alphabet biscuits keep fighting over it