hey peeps
today went to scrabble thingy
but woke up quite late so pratically ran there
waited with min belle nnd kieron
we had to wait so damm long jus to start
so we play with the tiles nnd everything
many ppl came nnd we were so nervous coz we dunno how to play
my first opponent was KimChuan i think
he was so good lar lost by 100 plus plus
okay heres my opponents
Kim Chuan Vs Benice (lose)
Annabel Ang Vs Bernice (win)
Kieron Vs Bernice (win)
Amirah Vs Bernice (win)
so basciacally it was a okay play
there was this little boy 11 years old
won all the adults and got th championship
i was so damm shocked when i got merit
but i smile so retarded in front of cameras
hope no one sees it
after tat we went for tea then got this little boy
very fat nnd so cute
he was so funny!!!!
i mean he so sui we kept hitting him
min spilled chili ojn his shirt nnd i accidentally punch his stomach
nnd got tis other oy spilled his drink on him
then i ate like 8 hot dog buns
nnd we kept peepin at minn in the toilet so she can't pee properly
today was so fun