today woke up at 9.00 to send my mum offshe's going to phillipinespray tats she's going to okay coz shes going herselfanyway spent the whole day at homeso bored was actually planning to meet tian nnd min bt too lazybut tmrw going to meet them to roller bladingsee whether i can carry it all the way there.
I'M GOING HOME!!!! haas okay okay
tmrw i'm going home but i'll miss coussie
anyway i went to the library
borrow two books haha
i so good lor borrow two books
haas cous also borrow two books
then after we went to amk hub
we bot like shaed ice, cup corn and prata sausage 
our books nnd food
then we went to this staircase nnd ate there
we like took alot of photos nnd went back
taken pics below

sexy ladies haas

4:46 AM | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 | 0 Comment
hey peeps missed meyesterday i never go for that thingy sianxlater kanna scolding nvmat least die with ellaanyway tday woke up and kept playing pillow fites with cousshe woke me up first lorstoopid bitch haas jkjklol later going library with cousso guai rite but after going hubi am so broke i think i only have 5 cents left manand tnrw last day to go home liaos my mom going to philipines man!later she kanna kidnapped (touch wood)i miss tian!!!!!!!hey nxt monday must go out hor tian!

my mom is flying again this friday
nnd i'll be at home alone
anyway yesterday went to pei cous go cut hair
now her hair is damm short
nnd she kept saying my air is so short
okay then we watched a chinese show where super drama lor
everyone kept stabbing everyone
super sad
i was like crying like siao
u never know when ur happy times is going to end.
like everything i know will end somehowlike holding on to it will make i fade even furthur awayhaish! why am i saying all this guess jus the depression is hitting everyone lately..
i now at my cuzzie house
we went to bugis nnd bot lots of stuff
she spent 146 dollars sia
siao rite! shopping queens
anyway after we went to buy make up
i bot the xxl mascara but i try alot lor
my eyelashes were like so thick after tat
haas after cous nnd i kept slapping each other in mrt
but i of course won
after tat went home play with the clothes
now going watch home movies
okay photos will be updated soon

hey peeps
today went to scrabble thingy
but woke up quite late so pratically ran there
waited with min belle nnd kieron
we had to wait so damm long jus to start
so we play with the tiles nnd everything
many ppl came nnd we were so nervous coz we dunno how to play
my first opponent was KimChuan i think
he was so good lar lost by 100 plus plus
okay heres my opponents
Kim Chuan Vs Benice (lose)
Annabel Ang Vs Bernice (win)
Kieron Vs Bernice (win)
Amirah Vs Bernice (win)
so basciacally it was a okay play
there was this little boy 11 years old
won all the adults and got th championship
i was so damm shocked when i got merit
but i smile so retarded in front of cameras
hope no one sees it
after tat we went for tea then got this little boy
very fat nnd so cute
he was so funny!!!!
i mean he so sui we kept hitting him
min spilled chili ojn his shirt nnd i accidentally punch his stomach
nnd got tis other oy spilled his drink on him
then i ate like 8 hot dog buns
nnd we kept peepin at minn in the toilet so she can't pee properly
today was so fun
hey peeps one week nvr blog liao, okay i shall gv you the update

Holiday's Here!!!!
okay today got back our report book.
the results were okay
quite dissapointin tatt nvr got A2 fo chinese..sian
but rest got quite okay lar.
anyway after tat went home changed nnd went to meet tian nnd belle
we went to ica skating after tat,
it was so fun!
but we got blisters and everything!
however, there were tis group of girls so annoyin
but we heck care them lar
after tat tian's slipper broke
luckily got shan slipper then she can walk
it was like so fated
after tat we took taxi go kallang river
then tian told us got ghost
so scary siahs.
after very short time we bot ice cream nnd went home
saw ching ee nnd company her home.
now at home.......

so sad today was ms lee farewell partywaaa she was crying when she saw the whole board with signatures
then we kept takin pics and playing games
then after tat played ede wise
mr muru came in nnd kept screaming at us
then when he ask hu play not many stand out
no class spirit but hu cares man!!!
hey peeps
heres the update on the past three days
Happy mother's day!! to all those mothers out there!
of course forced my mom( actually is bro but watever)
can wake up late but didnt coz have to fetch my bro's fren
then went to eat at holland. yupp but its quite boring after tat
ut we celebrated mother's day by going sakae sushi. (coz i love
japanese). after tat call tian to plan how going out tmrw...


went to meet tian nnd shan, went to buy her contacts first t compass
she had a hard time doing it. haas eyes too big then cannot stop blinking
after tat took a long time to choose the train coz so many ppl
than shan piss off then go in
tian played rubix cube nnd we competed
but of course she won......T.T
nvm its okay accept it nnd move on like she says
then we shopped around but tian legs were quite tired
the clothes so nice lar
maybe tmrw tmrw going
but got this very xia lan sales girl rite? she go wipe and arrange back the shoe tat we touch lehs?!
i mean wad he hell the shoe also not tt nice nvm bao ying
i hope her customer go stuff the shoe up her ass. haahahaha
after tat watch over her dead body
nice show nnd super funny
does angel hv wings? an ananswerable question
okay went to school nnd yah went to do the stacking thing
the instructer like keep dragging so quite boring but the game was quite fun
okay then had that competition where you had to stack that satay stiks
and to those who are so ignorant WE DIDN'T COPY okay??
tis free world rite? ppl can hv same ideas lar! wads wrong with your?!
teacher also hv so he copy ours ah?! so dumb lar.........
wadeva anw aftr had lunch with shan nnd jasmine
went to montique nnd buy tis super cute ba
g! hasss. tmrw planning to go with shan to buy the shoes
we have a very evil plan to ze dui that bitch in the shoe stall
haaas welcome back to my blog!!!!
yesterday went to sentosa had alot of fun
details at previous post
now maybe going meet my aunty june to eat lunch
then maybe going to bens nnd jerry