Hey heysi at school nows cool rite????everybody is crazy spamminjus had health screening! eeeeeelimmin got violated by the nurse!haas.i didn't coz my wan was quite old!okay mdm gan is nagging liaobye bye!
9:31 PM | Wednesday, April 23, 2008 | 0 Comment
only photos coz going out
memoirs of web cam days 
we're stuck in the com!
colour blind liaos
me nn ugly cous!
can u spot the diff?
okay lar cous say u chio stop coming near me lar!
12:36 AM | Sunday, April 20, 2008 | 0 Comment
hey peeps .
well heres the update coz nvr update for 4 days lehs!
skipping thursday
Saturday 19 08 08
i went to cuzzie's house to stay coz her parents not around
so did my dad nn bro lar
then later we all goin to eat sakura
haas enjoyin myself
hope it will last forever
sry to tian who i couldn't go out with

Friday 18 08 08
hmms went to school quite early
but was so tired coz stayed up to watch american idol
it was all quite borin
chinese teacher nvr catch me to do extra time.phew!
really dun wan ever to go chinese remedial lor
so damm borin! sianx.
anw then ms jas gave us 2 free periods
then we all slept
well i kinda slept through the whole thing so i dunno
i only woke up cz irwin throw a damm bloody chinese decoration on me
its so dirty lar, still put on our heads
then he bu shuang if we put on his head rite
wa lao ask him get a attitude adjusment can
or else later ppl get angry ah beat him up
he even put on hy lor
use pernament marker to write on his hand
anw forget it he's jus a prankster.
then alvin ho bu shuang him
but he very funny wear cardigen

got back our flowers too
then went home watch convenent until scared
then went to cuz house .

saw her old diary
kept laughing non stop
wenesday 16 08 08
it was totally a horror
school was okay
we played with the experiment
but when it all came down to cles house
it was really an emotional disaster
a day of fun turned out to be a day of turmoil
it all started when cles brouggth ther stead to our house to play b-ball
then maid see complain to my maid
then my maid the bmw
i t ell u she got bigger mouth than me lor
she go tell my mom
then everything went hectic
Heys peeps!
today was okay once in a life time
i made my bed lehs!!!
my maid so happy.haas.
ms jas finally came back,
from her absence (her bone fell out or smthing!)
then got 2.4km run..
thnk goodness i rmbr to bring my towel!
cause i run like siao and almost puke!
lucky after tt rewarded by my teach telling me i got 1st.
thnx to irwin who kept pushin me even run with me lehs.
then after tt the whole clique couldn't even wlk.
but i managed lols and went to the toilet nn wash my hair lols
then after tt we went back to class
normal but i failed my chinese 25/55
then went to assembly nn min,belle,tian performed
min so obvious keep laughin!even point middle finger at irwin!
go to cip. ron followed coz alvin nvr go.
janelle lost money.
we left and play b-ball for awhile
then went home with they all.
got drenched in the rain lor!
then ella nn tian pull me back lor
so damm malu!
then daryl nn shawn ignore me
say they dunno me so i ignore them lor!
luckily they got wait for me in the end or i kill them lors!

Janelle and Natasha
Wei ping, janelle nn natasha playing piano
doing a dance pose! weiping, janelle,natasha nn ron
2:19 AM | Tuesday, April 15, 2008 | 0 Comment
hey i'm lazy post so jus use photos kaes?
Alvin ho's fake boobs lols 
Cedric ah i know u wanna touch ahs
Alvin ho's our chico pei daddy.
went out with shan nn shawn! try to chase away tt stupid guy!
also his friend scold her xia lan lor!
went to church
mirror image of wat i wore haas
casiah so cute! reuben sis!
then went to celestine house!
tian came at 5.00
today has been such a bad daywent to school with a smile on my face came back with noneat morning forget dance so went back made mum angry like siaowent to school normal daymrs singh nvr come againthen tian, min and belle design our handscrazy bitches haas.happy! :)
alvin move to our group
then stupid! throw a dictionary at me
then briana keep givin me attitude coz i tell her to sit properly
okay let her zao geng lar
f!@# lar!
then chinese teacher go nn gv me chinese remedial
tues nn thurs until 5 lehs!
also nvr fail
playing with min
Briana extra go nn bang me including she also hit me in class also
say sorry also so rude
bloody shit !
mine as well dun say lor!
then we kept sayin ghost stories after lunch when in class alone
shan got a little spooked.
found out photo taking cancelled though
then had dance
fun lar but shan had cramps
then we struggled coz dunno new dance
also saw somersaults!cools! hees

5:55 AM | Thursday, April 10, 2008 | 0 Comment
heys normal day nnd yupp everything was normalms jas cao pei us againmake jasmine cry till very jia latnow cannot bring tissue paper, mp3 bla blashe starting to get on my nervesbriana keep zao geng let shawn seethen shawn move seats haas.after school go home wth tiann, minn and cedactually suppose wth shawn but then he super blur miss the bus we sitting onwe kept calling him super funny
me nn tian legs haas
11:58 PM | Tuesday, April 8, 2008 | 0 Comment
tday woke up so tired coz yesterday watch death note
not i scared but a little scary
like u can die any time
anw still had this good feelling abt the day
and suddenly i come tt one
super suay!
one day b4 napha
but quite cool same time as tian
anw ms jas came back already
sang ella nn shawn love song
so immature
but so funny
then chinese teacher laugh when whole class greeted
haas. but he only am chio only
after tt ms lee lesson
she was so depressed like she goin cry
so sad lors
then after got geog test
shit got one ques wrong already
so sian
after go to koufu with tian,shan,ella nn shawn
we kept teasin both of them
then after we eat play again
shawn go nn eat tt disgusting food
so groos lors
the chicken skin

today was waken by a call from tian
forget tt i must go jog
so very lazy let them go themselves
then slack and study sor awhile
but hees. super happy now
just went out with parents nn bro
kept hugging mom in the car coz very angry
lazy to leave mahs
then was very angry at my dad insistin that must go out
but we went to jurong and eat seafood not bad
kept listenin to music in the car
then danced with bro haas.
then we went to buy heigen dazz. yay
my fasvourite yumm
been smsin tian so very happy
yesterday was jus a big mess
was so excited couldn't sleep
first got home econ test then also gettin my phone back
so i brought all my ingredients
heavy like crazy
well ms jas didn't come again happy
but still got teacher come gv us test sianx
then after ms lee gave us our test back
i got 26 upon 30 considered good hor
tian nn minn also gt good marks
but ella was damm sad when she saw her marks
tried to calm her but she ask me to fuck off
but i guess she was jus very angry
should hv known better to near her at that time
finally the day finally ended
then go to home econ test
kept running around tryin to cook mushroom soup
at least i pass nn my marks was quite good
and finally got my phone back!
nn went home with shawn
tlked abt stuff
he's quite sweet lar help me carry ingredient
but kept scarin me wsay wad crow goin to pass motion on us
6:32 AM | Saturday, April 5, 2008 | 0 Comment